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Tips for downsizing your home

tips for downsizing 1Our home holds a special place in our hearts. Especially if it’s where our kids have grown up or where we have experienced many of life’s milestones.

We become connected to our space in far more than just a physical sense. Our home is where we feel safe to be ourselves and relaxed in our own skin. Where we can put on our ugliest track pants and it doesn’t matter in the slightest.

Inevitably though, there comes a time when our existing home no longer serves us the way it once did. A large home can go from being a place full of life and the beautiful chaos that goes with it, to a burden that constantly requires cleaning and repair, with rooms you haven’t entered for months.

What was once our safe space can become a weight on our shoulders. A never-ending to-do list of jobs that are always just a bit too hard to face today.

It’s at this point that thoughts of downsizing come to mind, instantly followed by contrasting brainwaves of doubt…

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a smaller place that wasn’t so much work! / But what if the kids want to come and stay and we don’t have room?”

“I wish our life was more simple, we have so much stuff! / But where do I even start trying to declutter?”

“We really need a smaller place that’s easier to get around / But I don’t want to move away from family! How am I ever going to find something I like!”

Many owners end up in this merry-go-round for years. Moving is hard at the best of times, but throw in a lifetime of memories tied to an existing home, not to mention a house full of furniture and nicknacks, each requiring a decision (keep / donate / throw away) and it’s easy to understand how inertia wins the day and moving remains a pipe-dream that feels a million miles away.

Don’t lose hope

It is possible to win this battle and move forward. You moved to this home once and you can do it again. And as the old saying goes, home is wherever you are. And you might as well live somewhere you enjoy. Somewhere that works for your lifestyle. A place that will suit you for the next 10-20 years, so you don’t have to move again anytime soon!

Key steps to a successful downsize…

Visualise the end result

One of the reasons we end up staying in our existing home is that every day we are surrounded by reminders of why moving will be hard. To counter-balance this, you need to be able to visualise an ideal outcome.

Start going to look at houses in your area that would suit your needs, even if you aren’t ready to buy anything yet. Do this so you can find a visual representation of what good would look like for you. Once you have that, it’s easier to start tackling the de-cluttering jobs, knowing where your hard work is helping you get to.

Ask for help

You don’t have to do this on your own. It’s ok to ask for assistance. Whether it’s family, friends, student job search websites, or local handyman services. There could be people in your life right now who are dying to help you make this transition but are waiting for an invitation to help.

Get the conversation out in the open

It isn’t easy to encourage a relative or friend to consider downsizing. No one wants to be offensive or cause upset. So if you are harboring thoughts on downsizing in the future, open that conversation up to other people in your life. They might be thinking the same way. Ask their opinion and talk about your concerns. We often get better at solving problems once we voice them out loud.

Avoid making assumptions

Sometimes we presume something won’t work before we have access to all the information. For example, downsizing owners often get concerned that a move could leave them homeless, not realising that in this market it is often possible to secure long settlements, up to 6 months or more, providing you with plenty of time to secure the right home to suit your needs as a cash buyer.

Considering your options?

Contact us today to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation. We can answer any questions you have on the selling process and provide tips on how to add maximum value before going on the market.

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