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How to decide whether to DIY or hire professionals

diy or hire a professionalThere is an innate desire in all of us to ‘do it ourselves’. To complete a job that needs doing without requiring any paid help, if at all possible.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than around our own properties.

It’s natural to want to take on the role of master-painter, super-installer or apprentice carpenter to save a bit of money. But before going ahead, it’s important to think deeply about whether that approach is the right one for you and your home at this particular time.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help decide whether to go DIY, or hire a professional tradesperson.

  1. Do you really have time?

It’s part of the human condition to overestimate the amount of free time we have available and underestimate how long a certain task will take. We all know someone who says a job will take 10 mins, and 2 hours later they are still going at it. So before you commit, ask yourself: Are you being realistic with your estimated timeframes?

  1. Will you be able to accept a less-than-perfect outcome?

Newbies often make mistakes. If that new shelf doesn’t quite line up perfectly, or you can see brush marks on your recently painted wall, is that going to bug you for eternity? If so, it’s worth considering hiring professionals for your own peace of mind, moving forward.

  1. Will this put undue stress on your family?

Saving money around the house is great, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact those around you. Before going ahead, have an honest conversation with your family about whether they think doing it yourself is the right approach.

  1. Is it a challenge you are excited about?

Will you get joy from this experience? Is this something you haven’t done before? Or are you just trying to save money?

It’s important to understand your motivation. New challenges can be exciting and rewarding when completed, and DIY projects can be a great way to learn new skills. But if it’s a job you already know how to do and taking it on yourself is purely about saving money, then you want to consider the next question carefully…

  1. What is the opportunity cost of doing this yourself?

The opportunity cost is essentially what else you could have done with your time or money if you didn’t make this decision.

For example, if you hired a tradesperson, would that free you up to spend more time with your kids? Or take your partner out on a date? Or catch up on other work? Or study? The list goes on. It’s important to understand what you might be giving up, to take on this particular DIY challenge.

Doing it yourself is cool. But it’s not always the smartest decision.

Where to find reliable tradespeople

Part of the reason people take on DIY projects is that they don’t have someone they can trust to do the job to a high standard in a reasonable amount of time. Rather than scrolling through google looking for a local tradesperson with positive reviews and a half-decent website, it’s easier to head to the hardware store, buy what you need and rip into it.

That’s where we can help.

We work with a collection of local tradespeople who help our clients with everything from odd jobs around the house, right up to full-scale renovations. Real estate businesses are built on community connections and we would be happy to introduce you to local tradespeople who we would trust with work on our own properties.

Get in touch today and let’s get you the help you need!

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