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How to save money on your power bill (and reduce your home’s carbon footprint)?

how to save money on your power bill 2So often, what is good for your wallet is also good for the planet.

When you make changes to your home to make it more energy-efficient, it reduces the amount of power required to heat it. Saving you money and saving energy. And since energy prices appear likely to keep increasing in future, making these kinds of changes is an investment that will pay off for years to come.

Not to mention all the benefits you’ll get from living in a warm, healthy home.

And on a macro level, the more we can lower our energy demand in general, the quicker the world can switch to 100% renewable electricity generation.

Here are 8 tips and ideas to help you save money on your power bill…

1. Shop around.

Run a google search for power company comparison websites. They are a great place to start. Power companies are a bit like banks, their rates are always changing and sometimes it’s well worth your while to make a switch. Have a copy of your last power bill handy as this info will help you work out whether you would be better off with another provider. Review your situation every 12 months to check you are still getting the best possible deal.

2. Consider adding solar panels.

If your roof gets good sun then it’s worth doing your homework on solar. Sometimes the rate of return can seem slow at first glance, but if you believe power prices are going to keep going up in future, then your investment will look smarter every year that goes past. Some banks even offer cheap interest rates on money borrowed for solar installs, so check with your bank to see if you can get solar without forking out any cash.

3. Invest in high-quality thermal curtains.

It can be hard to spend good money on lush, thick curtains when you need them. It’s so tempting to instead go for the cheapest option possible. But when you consider these window coverings could last for years (if not decades) then it pays to go for the best you can afford. If you were buying a jacket to wear for the next 20 years, you’d invest in something warm, right? Make sure your new curtains reach right to the floor to maximise heat retention.

4. Think about ventilation.

It can seem counter-intuitive to open lots of windows when it’s cold outside, but fresh, dry air heats up quicker than the cold, moist air that builds up inside our homes if we don’t create enough ventilation. Your heaters won’t have to work so hard to heat up your rooms at night if your home has been adequately aired out during the day.

5. Seal it up.

The flipside of ventilation is draught-stopping. Once you turn the heaters on, you want to retain as much heat as possible. Check your window seals for gaps and invest in draught stopping material to fill in any holes. Add draught stopper sliders to the bottom of doors, especially if you have wooden floors.

6. Check your insulation.

Is there space to add more insulation to your home? Maybe you have older insulation that needs topping up? If you have space underfloor, consider adding a ground moisture barrier, which stops rising damp coming into your home.

7. Wash your clothes in cold water.

Sometimes it’s the simple changes that make a big difference.

8. Invest in double glazed windows.

We left this one till last because it involves the biggest investment. Many homeowners jump to double glazing without considering some of the cheaper solutions first. If you plan on staying in your current home for many years to come, then upgrading your windows is a great choice. But if you are unsure about timeframes, then there are lots of actions you can take to make your home warmer and to reduce your power bills without taking on the expense of double glazing.

How can we help?

Does your current home still suit your needs? Would you be better off in something smaller? Or bigger?

If you think a move could make life easier, we are here to help. The best place to start is with a free consultation to discuss your options. We can talk about what your home might fetch in the current market and provide tips on maximising value. Get in touch today to schedule a no-obligation chat.

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